I help older adults live well at home, as independently as possible, with or without carers. As part of my work I make sure my elderly clients are aware of, and can access, all the support that's available to them whether that's public sector, community-based, charities or private services.
On Wednesday 18th October 2023 there was a Winter Warmer event for older people in Morpeth Town Hall sponsored by Morpeth's oldest charity, the Hollon Trust. The hall was full of stands from a wide range of organisations offering information about staying active, safe and well this winter and advice on health and social support available.
For those who are interested and couldn't attend, I've included information and contact details below, highlighting some of the organisations that I had the chance to speak with. There were many more attending on the day and I would thoroughly recommend going in person to any future events if you can.
Active Northumberland - Exercise on Referral Scheme
Medical conditions often improve when you become more active, but it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start, what to do or how to keep going.
The Exercise Referral Scheme is a 24 week programme of supervised exercise based at an Active Northumberland leisure centre. Fully qualified instructors lead the scheme and support you every step of the way. At the end of the 24 weeks, physical activity will be a regular and enjoyable part of your life and you will feel much more confident to exercise independently.
You can find some examples of people who have benefitted from the scheme on their Facebook page: facebook.com/ActiveNland, by doing a search on the page for the word 'referral'.
Here's one example of a 92 year old who used the service:
Age UK Northumberland
Age UK Northumberland provides so many services to support, enable and inspire you to live well and thrive in your local community, including: Information & Advice, Advocacy, Bereavement Counselling, Dementia Groups, Home Care, Day Care, Exercise Classes and Befriending.
The Information & Advice Service provides free confidential, impartial and independent advice for the over 50s, their families, carers and organisations.
Lines are open Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm 01670 784800.
At the event I met Michael, who highlighted how Age UK Northumberland helps veterans aged 50+ living in Northumberland, their families and carers - providing practical advice and support services funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund.
Alzheimers Society
The Alzheimers Society is for everyone affected by dementia, and the website is a great resource for support and information about all types of dementia.
At the event I met Jenny, one of the Dementia Advisors for Southeast and Central Northumberland. The Dementia Advisors are there to provide practical and emotional support and can help you find exactly what local support is best for you.
They will:
listen to your needs and offer tailored information and advice
link you up with local professionals and services
provide support for you to access the services they refer you to so that you aren't alone.
You can get in touch by phoning 01670 813255 or by email to northumberland@alzheimers.org.uk
Contact Morpeth Mental Health Group
Contact Morpeth Mental Health Group were providing the refreshments at the event in return for a small donation to their funds.
Contact is an independent local charity based in Morpeth, however their reach covers the whole of South-East Northumberland, particularly Ashington, Bedlington, Cramlington, and Blyth. The organisation aims to offer friendship, develop support, and reduce social isolation for those of us living with mental health issues together with their carers.
Morpeth Library
It was interesting to find out about the free access to eBooks, eAudio, newspapers and eMagazines, using two apps. Start by downloading the apps then sign in with your library card number (barcode) and four digit PIN.
· BorrowBox - Fiction and non-fiction eBooks and eAudiobooks for Adults and Children. 60 eMagazines for Adults
· PressReader - Over 7,000 magazines and newspapers from over 100 countries in 60+ languages.
There are also regular events at Morpeth Library which is now located in the new Morpeth Sports and Leisure Centre on Gas House Lane. Event information can be found on Eventbrite by searching for Northumberland Libraries.
Northumberland Communities Together
Information from Northumberland Communities Together:
We're here to keep you safe and well. If you or anyone in your family identifies with any of the issues listed below and needs a bit of extra support please get in touch and phone the Northumberland Communities Together Response Hub on 01670 620015 9am-6pm, 7 days a week or email NCT@northumberland.gov.uk.
Perhaps your financial circumstances have changed with reduced hours, redundancy or benefit changes.
Worried about winter bills or financial pressures.
Feeling lonely, overwhelmed or struggling with mental health.
Worried about someone experiencing domestic abuse or concerned about a neighbour.
Remember, if you are worried about the immediate welfare of a child or adult please use: OneCall 01670 536400 - open 24/7, 365 days a year
Northumberland Community & Voluntary Action
Northumberland Community and Voluntary Action (NCVA) champions volunteering and voluntary organisations - helping people get organised to work in the community and for the community.
At the event I met Sharon who helps people get into volunteering. NCVA works with over 150 charities and groups to support their work in our communities. They rely on volunteers to provide their services.
All sorts of people volunteer in all kinds of ways - because volunteering is a two-way street where you:
· Gain new skills and experience, expand your cv
· Socialise, make new friends, and become more active
· Give a little time and enjoy making a big difference
Most organisations can use an hour of two a week whenever you can fit it in. Or there are one-off volunteering opportunities such as festivals. It will make a massive difference. Charities and community groups value all help that is offered and every hour adds up toward achieving their aims.
To get into volunteering call Sharon on 07425 460019 or email sharon.harris@northumberlandcva.org.uk
Also on the NCVA stand was Rob Gillie who runs free support sessions to get you online.
Brush up your IT skills
Introduction to computers, internet & emails
Using Social Media
Price comparison websites & online shopping
Staying safe online
Loan of Laptops and Wi-fi devices
Free weekly sessions on Monday afternoons, 12.30-4.30 at Northumberland CVA, 107 Station Road, Ashington NE63 8RS. Call in to book an appointment or contact:
Rob Gillie on 01670 858688 or email rob.gillie@northumberlandcva.org.uk
U3A stands for the University of the Third Age – the third being a reference to that time of life when you give up full time employment and choose to do things that you may have always fancied trying but hitherto had no time or opportunity to indulge.
U3A is a self help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. The word university is used solely in the sense of people coming together and no academic or professional qualifications are required for membership.
There is a national, regional and local organisation structure, of which Morpeth and District U3A is one of many in the UK. Each is a charity in their own right and is run entirely by their members on a voluntary basis. Local U3As are learning cooperatives which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups, in accordance with the wishes of their membership. “The teachers learn and the learners teach”.
Well Up North Primary Care Network
The Social Prescribing Team helps patients with their health and wellbeing in a non-clinical way. They work with patients to identify what is important to them and provide person centred support to empower patients to make informed decisions. Social Prescribers can help connect patients with services, groups and professionals that can provide additional support and guidance.
The easiest and quickest way to find out more and access the service is through their app. Search for 'Well Up North' in your app store. Alternatively you can contact your GP practice to be referred.
Health and Wellbeing Coaching is a person-centred approach, working together with you around what is most important to you. Coaches will support you to improve and manage your own health and wellbeing.
Your coach will work with you on a 1-to-1 basis to explore possible lifestyle changes including diet, physical activity, sleep or managing existing conditions.
Together you will set realistic goals and discuss motivation. Your coach will be there to support you on your journey to better health and wellbeing until you are confident to continue on your own.
As with the Social Prescribing Team you can find out more and access the service through their app. Search for 'Well Up North' in your app store.
How And Wiser can help
I help older adults live well at home, as independently as possible, with or without carers. I work out what really matters, remove barriers and help them to live the lives they want. Providing practical and flexible support to families, so that older adults can live well at home, and their family have peace of mind that they’re ok.
Head over to my blog section to read about local accessible activities in Morpeth and Northumberland. You will also find there some Case Studies which illustrate some of the ways I’ve helped clients with things like keeping cool on a warm night, arranging for cleaners, organising medical appointments, and solving the problem of missing keys.
If you'd like help supporting your elderly relatives to thrive, not just survive, visit my website to find out about my services and to book a free initial consultation.