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Always, on their terms

Beth Hendy


The people I support are not helpless, frail, old people, whose family have brought me in to help.

Most of the people I support locally around Morpeth have found me, for themselves.


People doing, what people do.

Living their lives.

Solving problems.

Weighing up risks and deciding what they want to do about those risks, if anything.


Looking back, the people who I've supported for the longest, and who get the most support from me now, first reached out to me when they made just one decision.

They decided they wanted a little bit of help, with something.

·        Something like getting to appointments, when they wanted more than a taxi driver to drop them off.


·        Something like fetching bits and pieces from the shops, when they didn't want to walk there on their own any more.


·        Something like organising someone to fix something in the house, when they didn't want the hassle of doing it themselves.


Then gradually over time,

as more difficult problems needed solving,

and as they worried more about the risks,

they decided they wanted more help.


The types of help that people want,

are as individual as they are.


And that's a big part of what I love about my job.

Helping people to keep living,

their lives,

the way they want to.


Always, on their terms.

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